The treatment of endometriosis is by either medicine or surgery. Medicine treatment of endometriosis is done by either birth control pills, progesterone, or Lupron. Birth control pills and progesterone treat the endometriosis by decreasing the amount of bleeding each month. This decreases the stimulation of the existing endometriosis and also decreases the amount of new endometriosis that forms.
Surgical treatment of endometriosis involves laparoscopic excisional endometriosis. Laparoscopic surgery is done using a camera placed through a one quarter inch incision in the belly button. Two or three other incisions also one quarter inch in diameter are placed in various areas in the abdomen for surgical instruments. Laparoscopic excision of endometriosis completely removes all visible spots of endometriosis and scar tissue. Laparoscopic excisional endometriosis is now the specialty standard of care to treat the pain of endometriosis. This is because all spots of endometriosis are fully removed, therefore the body no longer needs to respond using inflammation and scarring. The scar tissue that is present as a result of the existing endometriosis is also removed at the time of surgery. The removal of scar tissue markedably decreases the pain that is present all throughout the month, at ovulation, and with intercourse.